Easter weekend in York Region
Looking for something to do with the family this weekend? Check out these events happening in York Region! Events in Aurora, East Gwillimbury, Georgina, King Township, Markham, Newmarket, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Whitchurch-Stouffville
• In AURORA, the TOWN OF AURORA EASTER EGG HUNT takes place Saturday at the Aurora Seniors Centre...if a non-Easter event is more your style, the HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIRS 2016 SPRING EXPO is on at the Aurora Community Center in support of the Southlake Regional Heath Centre Foundation. Meet local health and wellness professionals, get advice, free samples and more.
• IN EAST GWILLIMBURY, it's EASTERFEST AT BROOKS FARMS on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Among the featured activities: egg and scavenger hunts, train or wagon rides, barnyard playland and self guided Maple Sugar Bush tours...Get active during the EASTER BUNNY HIKE at Vivian Creek Park in Mount Albert from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday. Hop along the trail and do bunny activities at each station... At the same time, The MAVA Eggstavaganza is also taking place at the same time downtown Mount Albert. For more information or to register for the free event, call 905-478-3826 or visit eastgwillimbury.ca
• IN GEORGINA, dive for Easter eggs during the annual GEORGINA IN-WATER EASTER EGG HUNT at the Georgina Leisure Pool from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Free Easter activities are also being offered in the Black River Public School gym from 12:30 to 2 p.m...Get creative during the KIDZART DROP-IN EVENT at the Georgina Arts Centre and Gallery from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday. Children ages 3 to 12 years will complete age appropriate projects.... also on Saturday, it's the opening day of the DARK MATTER EXHIBITION at the Georgina Arts Centre and Gallery. The exhibition, featuring paintings and sculputres by Edward Falkenberg, runs until May 1.
• In KING TOWNSHIP, the 19TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY POTTAGEVILLE EASTER EGG HUNT goes Saturday at 10 a.m. SHARP...there are also EASTER ACTIVITIES AT ROUND THE BEND FARM on Saturday, including an egg hunt.
• IN MARKHAM, you can meet the Easter bunny Saturday at a MAIN STREET MARKHAM EVENT... also, GYM O GYM's Easter Egg Hunts continue with two sessions on Saturday and one on Sunday. Call in advance for availability.
• IN NEWMARKET, meet the Easter Bunny, enjoy displays and activities, egg decorating and light refreshments at the ELMAN W. CAMPBELL MUSEUM on Saturday afternoon...On Sunday, bring your own basket to the NEWMARKET FAIRGROUNDS PARK and hunt for Easter eggs from 10 a.m. to noon. Every child gets a goodie bag, can have their face painted, enjoy balloon art and meet the bunny.
• IN RICHMOND HILL, there's EASTER EGG HUNTS AT THE EXPLORE CENTER on both Good Friday and Easter Monday.
• IN VAUGHAN, the KORTRIGHT SUGARBUSH MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL continues all through the weekend, with special Easter-themed events as well.
• IN WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE, check out the EASTER HOP PENINGS at the Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum on Saturday afternoon. In addition to hunting for Easter Eggs, you can also decorate sugar cookies. Pre-registration required.
**Sourced from yorkregion.com